
So today I visited a shoe store in Kijkduin where I've bought some lovely shoes in the past. They usually stock quite expensive brands sooooo I thought lets see if they still have a sale going on. Turns out yesterday was the last day. But! And this is a biggie, there was a huge shoepile in the middle of the store and they were bagging those, the leftovers of the sale. The saleslady said everyting was 75% off if I could dig through the pile to find something. Yay! So I bought the above ankle boots by Stuart Weitzman, they are super comfy! And the white strip on the bottom is actually silver irl.

Also I bought black ankle boots, also by Stuart Weitzman that I couldn't find a pic of, but they look similar to the one above only it's suede and at the front sole there is one row of silver studs attached to it, they have a great rock vibe to them. Also they're stretch so they don't sag at the ankle which is quite refreshing having very thin ankles. That's also the reason most cowboy boots look ridiculous on me.
I saved so much money by buying them in the sale. Now that's what I call a good bargain.