dinsdag 29 december 2009


First I have some pics for you from when it was a white christmas here! Isn't that just magical?

These are 2 pics taken of my cat with a little sombrero on from the bottle of tequila. He looks quite drunk in the first one doesn't he ?!

These 2 were taken the day of the Dr. Who christmas special where the lovely John Simm returned as the master. (I had been eagerly anticipating this since about September) And so my fashion inspiration came from the Master, which is quite unlikely. Men should not look that good in straightjackets btw. And how slashy was the bit where he wanted to let the Doctor hear the drums in his head?

And finally these 2 were taken on boxing day. The Outnumbered christmas special was hilarious.
I'll post some new year pics soon and also pics of my cake :D
Have a great end of the year!

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